Hostel & Transportation

Infrastructure & Facilities

The college campus has seven spacious, well-designed and properly furnished separate hostels for boys and girls; including different ones for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. Each hostel room is well furnished with double bed, study table, wardrobes and has an attached bath and toilet, with 24 hours hot water supply. Each hostel has separate common rooms with color television with DTH and facilities for indoor games where students can relax after exhaustive hours of study. Faculty and staff members from outside of Udaipur can also reside in the hostels.

The modern cafeteria on the campus provides hygienic and mouth-watering delicacies and different snacks to the students. Special dishes are served on special occasions. The college has its own fleet of buses which punctually bring students from different corners of the city to the college at nominal cost. At present it owns 20 buses, which are likely to be increased as per requirement.


Hostel Guidelines 

Hostel Rules

Hostel accommodation is provided with the understanding that the resident student will strictly abide by the Hostel Rules currently in force or as may be enforced from time to time. Accommodation in the Hostel cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The Institute Administration may refuse accommodation to any student who is known to have grossly violated the Hostel Rules or whose presence is likely to disturb the peace and tranquility of hostel. A student once admitted in the hostel, will continue to be a hostel inmate throughout the year unless otherwise debarred from the hostel on disciplinary grounds and he/she will have to pay the hostel fees for the academic year.

  • Every student should stay in the room allotted to him/her. Mutual exchange of rooms after final allotment is not allowed. However, only the Chief Warden may allow as a special case on valid and reasonable ground. Violation of this rule will be considered an act of gross misconduct and entail appropriate disciplinary action including expulsion from Hostel and imposition of heavy fine.

  • Hostel fee is subject to be revised after every three years & will be applicable for all the students of all the Batches.

  • Hosteller must look up the Hostel Notice Board regularly. The Warden Team member or any authorized member of the Institute staff can inspect the room of any student in the hostel at any time. Hostel inmates are supposed to keep I-cards with them and must present the same to any hostel or institute authority whenever asked for, Students must always carry their Identity Cards with them.

  • No Hostellers should see the Director for ordinary matters. Warden In-charge of the concerned hostel is the right person for such matters. In next step they can approach to the Chief Warden.

  • No student should keep any fire-arms, lethal weapons, poisonous things or intoxicants of any kind in the Hostel. Students must not take law into their own hands, but must report all disputes to the hostel Warden In-charge/Warden. All kinds of shouting, fighting, gambling, stealing, violet knocking, maltreating or abusing are strictly prohibited. In such cases offender will be handed over to Police immediately.

  • The Hosteller shall have to vacate accommodation as and when asked for. All the Hostellers shall vacate the hostel rooms before they leave for the summer vacation so that annual repairs and white washing are carried out. All the hostel articles issued to the students are returned to the caretaker before the students leave their rooms. They will be responsible for any loss.

  • No Hosteller is allowed to engage a private servant or pet animals.

  • Students shall not remain absent from their hostels during night without the prior permission of the Warden In-charge/Warden.

  • Hostel students shall not leave the campus without prior permission of the Warden In-charge/Warden. They shall have to apply in prescribed form in advance stating the reason for leaving and the address of destination. Hostel student who leave hostel without the permission from the concerned Warden shall be deemed to be missing and Parent/Guardian/Police authorities may be intimated in consultation with the Director.

  • The inmates of the hostel will not leave the hostel premises on holidays for the purpose of excursion or picnic. Prior permission of the Warden In-charge/Warden has to be obtained for going for any picnic or excursion. However for any eventuality that may occur during picnic/excursion, the responsibility does not lie with the Institute authorities.

  • Formation of association of students on the basis of regions, caste or creed is not permitted, during their stay in the hostels.

  • Room furniture and electric fittings are required to be maintained by the inmates in good condition. At the time of allotment of room and leaving the hostel for the summer vacation, every student must take-over and hand-over, respectively, the hostel property carefully. Students should invariably vacate the hostel during summer vacation.

  • In case of damage to any part of the hostel buildings, furniture, apparatus or other property of the institute, caused by inmates of the hostel, the loss shall be recovered from the persons identified as responsible for such damage. However, if the persons causing damage cannot be identified, the cost of repairing the same as may be assessed will be distributed equally amongst all the inmates of the hostel or group of inmates of the hostel found responsible for the damage.

  • Students should lock their room properly when they go out for bath, food etc. Each roommate must keep a key of the door lock of his/her room in case of double / triple seated accommodations.

  • Every student residing in the hostel must join the mess attached to that hostel. Individual cooking is not permitted. They are not allowed to cook anything in their rooms.

  • Ragging in any form is a cognizable offence and severely punishable as per the Supreme Court directives leading to expulsion from the Hostel and the disciplinary action may culminate in his/her expulsion from the Institute as well. The Institute administration may report incidents of ragging to the Police for taking appropriate action under the law.

  • Penalty for violation of hostel rules will be decided by the hostel authorities considering the severity of the offense / violation of rules / act of indiscipline

  • Guests are not permitted to stay overnight in the room of the students. The student must get permission for keeping his/her guest in the guest room of the Hostel from the concerned Warden In-charge. Female guests are not permitted to stay in Boys Hostel. Likewise Male guests are not allowed to stay in the girls hostel. A Hosteller keeping a guest without permission is liable to be fined.

  • Students are prohibited from giving shelter to any other student/outsider in the rooms. In case of any unauthorized shelter, the student will be liable to disciplinary action.

  • Resident students are not permitted to invite any outside person to address any meeting in the hostel without written permission of the Dean/ Director.

  • Light must be switched off when not in use. The use of electric heater, electric rod and other similar appliances are prohibited. Hostellers are warned against tempering with electric installation and for all electric repairs the electrician should be called in.

  • Students in their own interest are advised not to keep excess cash or any valuables in their hostel rooms. They should close their rooms securely when they leave the room even for short periods. Institute shall not be responsible for the loss of such items due to theft or otherwise. However, in the case of theft, the matter should be immediately reported to the concerned Warden In-charge/Warden.

  • Male students are strictly forbidden from entering the Girls' Hostel and female students from entering Boy’s Hostel.

  • Students are prohibited from consuming alcoholic drinks, drugs, cigarettes, tobacco products or any other intoxicants inside the hostel or to enter the hostel after consuming the same. Any student found consuming such thing or in a drunken state in the hostel will render himself liable for strict disciplinary action, including expulsion/rustication from Hostel/Institute.

  • Students are prohibited from screening/ keeping obscene literature/ video films in the possession. Any violation in this regard will result disciplinary action.

 Additional Rules for Girls' Hostel:

  • Closing time 7:00 PM in summer (April to September) and 6:00 PM in winter (October to March)

  • No male visitor is allowed to enter the Girls' Hostel without prior permission of the respective Warden In-charge/Warden.

  • The girl students must make entry in the "In/Out Register" kept at the Girls' Hostel.


Primary Contacts



UG and PG Courses: +91 9672970940, +91 7665017785,
+91 7665017787
Research & PH.D: +91 9672978030, +91 9672978116
Landline No.: 02942665000


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